Transforming Mikyajy's Online Visibility with SEO

Mikyajy is a popular cosmetics brand based in Saudi Arabia, offering a wide range of beauty products. From makeup essentials to skincare solutions and fragrances, Mikyajy is dedicated to providing high-quality beauty items to its customers.

People through ads
+ 0 %
Traffic Boost
+ 0 %
Search ranking
+ 0
Lost Impressions
- 0 %


  1. Online Visibility Challenges:

                             Mikyajy’s Struggle to Stand Out in the Crowded Cosmetics Market

Mikyajy encountered significant difficulties in gaining visibility online amidst intense competition in the cosmetics industry. With numerous other brands competing for consumer attention, Mikyajy found it challenging to distinguish itself and rank prominently in search engine results. As a result, potential customers had difficulty discovering Mikyajy’s products and brand online, impacting their sales and market presence.

  1. Search Engine Ranking Obstacles:

                            Mikyajy’s Difficulty in Achieving Favorable Search Engine Rankings

Despite offering quality cosmetics products, Mikyajy faced obstacles in securing high rankings in search engine results. The fierce competition within the cosmetics sector posed challenges for Mikyajy, resulting in lower visibility online. This lack of prominent search engine rankings made it challenging for potential customers to locate Mikyajy’s website and products, ultimately affecting their online sales performance.


To tackle Mikyajy's SEO challenges, our team at Bloom devised a comprehensive strategy to improve the brand's online visibility:

  • Content Analysis: We carefully reviewed Mikyajy’s website content to identify areas for improvement, especially on important pages like product collections.
  • Keyword Research: Our team conducted thorough keyword research to find the best words and phrases to include in Mikyajy’s content. These keywords would help Mikyajy rank higher in search results when people searched for beauty products online.
  • SEO-Friendly Content Creation: Using the insights from our analysis and research, we created content that was optimized for search engines. This content was designed to meet Mikyajy’s guidelines while also helping them appear higher in search results.


  •  Mikyajy’s website climbed up the search engine rankings, improving its position by 28 spots compared to before. This meant more people could find Mikyajy when searching for beauty products online.
  • Mikyajy’s website saw a big increase in the number of people visiting. In January 2023, there was a 126% increase in website views compared to the previous year. This showed that more people were discovering Mikyajy online.
  •  Mikyajy’s ads also performed better thanks to our SEO work:
  • Click-through rates on ads increased by 29% between August and October 2022, showing that more people were clicking on Mikyajy’s ads.
  • Conversion rates on ads went up by an impressive 132% during the same period, indicating that more people were making purchases after clicking on Mikyajy’s ads.


By implementing a targeted SEO strategy, Mikyajy was able to overcome its online visibility challenges and achieve significant improvements in search engine rankings, website traffic, and ad campaign performance. These results demonstrate the importance of effective SEO practices in driving online success and growth for brands like Mikyajy in competitive industries. With its enhanced visibility, Mikyajy is now better positioned to attract and engage with customers in the digital landscape of Saudi Arabia.